World Famous Beverage.

shankar kvs
3 min readJun 26, 2021

Hello Troops.., Trooper’s Greetings.
Today Let’s see about a beverage. A World famous Beverage, No its not Coke. It is a Natural Beverage. If you think it’s Coffee, Then its right.

Coffee is an infused drink prepared from roasted coffee beans. It is the second most popular drink in the world. The word “Coffee” came from a Dutch word ‘Koffie’ means Natural Beverage. Coffee was discovered by a goat herder in Ethiopia in the 1500s. He found out that some of his goats are so energetic and refuses to sleep even it is night time and its due to the consumption
of a certain berries. And this leads to the discovery of one of the great drink in the history. The two main types of coffee grown in market are Arabica and Robusta. Brazil is the largest coffee producer in the world followed by Colombia and Vietnam.

There have been three distinct coffee waves, that defines ways of consumption.
The first wave coffee.
The consumption of coffee during 1800s called as first wave of coffee. It is the low quality and the brands that offers coffee didn’t managed to improve the quality. But the consumption grows worldwide.
The second wave.
The change in the roasting method and adding sweet flavoring with roasted seeds and blended flavor tends to the second wave. This happened in 1970s. The second wave bring a worldwide revolution among the consumers.
The Third Wave has become a origin with different flavors which is been loved by everyone. The coffee that we’re consuming belongs to third wave.

Coffee has lots of health benefits and help you live longer. Coffee is not just a beverage its a culture. Many people can’t start their morning without a cup of coffee. It increase metabolism and burns fat, that’s why people consume coffee before workouts. It is very effective for loosing weight. Even though it tastes well too much of consuming is dangerous. Consumption of about 70 cups of coffee can kill a 68 Kg person. Many people enjoy this beverage for its energizing effect.

Metabolic Changes.
Drinking coffee makes us emotionally strong and distress us. Having a cup of coffee daily will make us physically strong. It expands the capabilities of our brain and improves the thinking and decision making ability. Coffee makes us mentally aware and helps us in concentrate in things around our hand. By drinking coffee our body never gets dehydrated, it keeps our body moisturized. If we don’t need calories in coffee we can just skip adding sugar.
Black Coffee does not contain calories. It also helps in balancing the heart and lower the risk of cancer. It prevents radical damage to our body cells and stay up to 6 hours.

Medical Aids.
It is used as protection for Type 2 diabetes, Parkinson disease, Liver cancer, etc., Caffeine, an element which is present in coffee and many other beverages, may help protect against Parkinson’s disease. Coffee consumption lowers the risk of liver cancer by around 40%. Some of the results suggest that people who drink three cups per day might have a 50% lower risk.
A meta-analysis from 2017 concluded that consuming any type of coffee appeared to reduce the risk of liver cancer, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, and cirrhosis.

Well, we have seen some information about a Globally known Beverage. Okay, Let’s sip a cup of coffee.



shankar kvs

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